Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 7 Episode 21 When It Rains...

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stardate: Unknown. Kira gets sent behind Cardassian lines in an effort to train them in resistance fighting. When Dr. Bashir learns of the deadly disease that Odo is infected with, he's met with barriers when trying to obtain his medical records from Starfleet. Martok gets blindsided by Gowron when he arrives on DS9, announcing that he has assumed command of the Klingon fleet.
TitleStar Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 7 Episode 21 When It Rains...
Genre, ,
Cast, , , , ,
Crew, , , , ,
Alternative Titles星际旅行:深空九号, Star Trek: Espacio Profundo Nueve, Viaje a las estrellas: Abismo Espacial Nueve, Star Trek: DS9
Keyword, , , , , , , , ,
First Air DateJan 03, 1993
Last Air dateJun 02, 1999
Season7 Season
Episode176 Episode
Runtime45:14 minutes
IMDb: 7.85/ 10 by 757.00 users


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