Le village de Namo - Panorama pris d'une chaise à porteurs

Le village de Namo - Panorama pris d'une chaise à porteurs 1900


The film is a panorama shot-scene lasting just under a minute. The panorama film, as coined by Lumière, is a moving-camera shot--usually accomplished by placing the camera on a moving transport, such as a boat or train.


Grandma's Reading Glass

Grandma's Reading Glass 1900


A child borrows his grandmother's magnifying glass to look at a newspaper ad for Bovril, at a watch, and then at a bird. The child shows grandma what he is doing. The child looks next at grandma's eye, then at a kitten.


The Enchanted Drawing

The Enchanted Drawing 1900


A cartoonist defies reality when he draws objects that become three-dimensional after he lifts them off his sketch pad.


The One-Man Band

The One-Man Band 1900


A band-leader has arranged seven chairs for the members of his band. When he sits down in the first chair, a cymbal player appears in the same chair, then rises and sits in the next chair. As the cymbal player sits down, a drummer appears in the second chair, and then likewise moves on to the third chair. In this way, an entire band is soon formed, and is then ready to perform.


Attack on a China Mission

Attack on a China Mission 1900


The titles tell us this film is based on an incident in the Boxer Rebellion. A man tries to defend a woman and a large house against Chinese attackers. They attack with swords, guns, and paddles. He's over-matched. What will become of the mission, its defenders, and its occupants?


As Seen Through a Telescope

As Seen Through a Telescope 1900


An elderly gentleman in a silk hat sits on a stool in front of a store on the main street of town. He has a telescope that focuses on the ankle of a young woman who is a short distance away. Her husband catches the gent looking. What will the two men do now?


The Troublesome Fly

The Troublesome Fly 1900


A huge fly is bothering an old gentleman, who is trying to take a nap. The old gentleman, after standing the torment as long as he can, jumps up and taking a shot-gun, fires at the fly and blows it to pieces, then goes back to bed to sleep in peace. The idea is a very good one, and is very well worked out.


The Cabbage-Patch Fairy

The Cabbage-Patch Fairy 1900


The fairy at a cabbage patch hovers over the babies. This is a remake of Guy's 1896 film on the same subject, this time shot in 35 mm.


Kejserinde Dagmars ankomst til Helsingør

Kejserinde Dagmars ankomst til Helsingør 1900


Maria Feodorovna (1847-1928), born Dagmar, daughter of King Christian IX was in 1866 married to Alexander III (1845-1894), Czar of Russia (1881-1894). The couple often visited Denmark, where the czar found a safe harbour away from the unstable Russia.


Let Me Dream Again

Let Me Dream Again 1900


Possibly the first film to utilize the technique of focus pulling. A man kisses a beautiful and lively woman, then the image blurs and dissolves into a clear image of the man waking up to his nagging wife.


Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc 1900


A divinely inspired peasant woman becomes an army captain for France and then is martyred after she is captured.


A Nymph of the Waves

A Nymph of the Waves 1900


A woman in ballet slippers wearing a large white hat and a long white dress - with ruffles, puffy sleeves and petticoats - dances across water with roiling waves behind her. She holds the edges of the skirt with her hands, lifting and twirling, sometimes exposing her bloomers and a dark garter on one leg. Her style combines ballet with the exuberant kicks and twirls of a burlesque dance hall. With churning waves behind her, the water seems to wash beneath her feet. The film of the dancer, "M'lle. Cathrina Bartho" (1899), is superimposed on that of the water, "Upper Rapids, from Bridge" (1896).