Knight and Day

Knight and Day 2010


A fugitive couple goes on a glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure where nothing and no one – even themselves – are what they seem. Amid shifting alliances and unexpected betrayals, they race across the globe, with their survival ultimately hinging on the battle of truth vs. trust.


Death Race

Death Race 2008


Terminal Island, New York: 2020. Overcrowding in the US penal system has reached a breaking point. Prisons have been turned over to a monolithic Weyland Corporation, which sees jails full of thugs as an opportunity for televised sport. Adrenalized inmates, a global audience hungry for violence and a spectacular, enclosed arena come together to form the 'Death Race', the biggest, most brutal event.


Enemy of the State

Enemy of the State 1998


When the videotape of the murder of a congressman unknowingly ends up in the hands of labor lawyer and dedicated family man Robert Clayton Dean, he is framed for the murder. With the help of the mysterious Brill, Dean attempts to throw the NSA off his trail and prove his innocence.



Rubber 2010


A group of people gather in the California desert to watch a "film" set in the late 1990s featuring a sentient, homicidal car tire named Robert. The assembled crowd of onlookers watch as Robert becomes obsessed with a beautiful and mysterious woman and goes on a rampage through a desert town.


Earthquake in New York

Earthquake in New York 1998


A cop is after a nasty serial killer. Cop's wife and kids are somewhere in the city too. Then a disastrous earthquake hits the city.


Odds Against Tomorrow

Odds Against Tomorrow 1959


An old-time crook plans a heist. When one of his two partners is found out to be a black man tensions flare.


The Final Cut

The Final Cut 1995


A former bomb squad leader comes out of retirement to investigate a series of bombings plaguing Seattle.



Framed 1988


Conny is a chemistry teacher who is framed for drug possession. Unable to prove his innocence he ends up in prison. When he finds a secret exit some inmates "persuade" him to participate in a heist. Things become extremely hectic as he tries to prove his innocence as well as "helping" his inmates. When Conny thinks that it couldn't possibly get any worse he meets Susanne, a policewoman...



Nadodimannan 2013


In Nadodimannan, Padmanabhan plays a village youth who does not have a particular inclination towards any political party and joins any protest being held. He earns a living by participating in demonstrations for various political parties. He then reaches the city where he is strung to the upper levels of society and gets elected as the Mayor. His conflicts and attempts to cleanse the city form the rest of the story


American Bomber

American Bomber 2006


A young man who has lost his family is swept up in extreme right wing ideology. He is mentored by a deranged professor who feeds him extreme ideology and teaches him how to make bombs. Making him the first domestic suicide bomber in history.


Commander Badass

Commander Badass 2011


Commander Badass is about a no-holds-bar, guns a' blazing, shoot first ask questions later renegade cop aptly named: Commander Badass. 'Watch' as he saves the mayor and the entire city in his fight against zombie ninjas, lesbian robot pirates, missile-riding skeletons, and more! Commander Badass is the the greatest action short film you can never see. Your eyes cannot handle the awesome or they would melt right out of your head. Written by Jacob "Boom Shadow" Tirey