Torrente 3: The Protector

Torrente 3: The Protector 2005


A popular and beautiful politician plans to expose the evil-doings of a multinational corporation. Hoping to silence her, the corporation's top executives decide to hire the most incompetent detective they can find to act as her bodyguard.


Prim: el asesinato de la calle del Turco

Prim: el asesinato de la calle del Turco 2014


Madrid, Spain, December 27, 1870. General Juan Prim i Prats, president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of War gets involved in a treacherous ambush, is mortal injured and dies three days later. A mystery, a conspiracy, a murder that was never solved.


The Many Lives of Jorge Semprún

The Many Lives of Jorge Semprún 2023


The incredible life of Jorge Semprún (1923-2011): son of a republican intellectual; exiled in the early days of the Spanish Civil War; survivor of the Buchenwald concentration camp during World War II; clandestine communist in Spain during Franco's dictatorship; controversial socialist politician; acclaimed writer, screenwriter and filmmaker.


Spain: A Country Divided

Spain: A Country Divided 2022


Obsessively referring to the traumas and wounds that the Spanish civil war (1936-39) and Franco's dictatorship (1939-75) caused in their day no longer serves to explain the impassable abyss of incomprehension and hatred that the abject policies and radical positions adopted by both the right and the left in recent decades have opened up before the citizens of a country that is barely known beyond hackneyed cultural clichés.


Después de… Segunda parte: atado y bien atado

Después de… Segunda parte: atado y bien atado 1983


A history of the Spanish Transition told in first person by the main protagonists: on the one hand, the politicians, idealistic or merely opportunistic, who brought it to a successful conclusion in the tribunes and offices; on the other hand, the citizens who, in the streets, supported it sincerely or fought it with ferocity.


Carceller, the Man Who Died Twice

Carceller, the Man Who Died Twice 2021


The life story of Vicente Miguel Carceller (1890-1940), a Spanish editor committed to freedom who, through his weekly magazine La Traca, connected with the common people while maintaining a dangerous pulse with the powerful.


The Demise of ETA

The Demise of ETA 2017


The chronicle of the process, ten long years, that led to the end of ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), a Basque terrorist gang that perpetrated robberies, kidnappings and murders in Spain and the French Basque Country for more than fifty years. Almost 1,000 people died, but others are still alive to tell the story of how the nightmare finally ended.


Catalonia: Spain on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Catalonia: Spain on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown 2017


A serious crisis has shaken Spain since the referendum on self-determination and the proclamation of the independence of Catalonia by the government of Carles Puigdemont, bold actions firmly fought by the Spanish government by applying the constitutional article that allows it to place a region under guardianship. While Spain is on the verge of implosion, Europe is holding its breath.


El rey

El rey 2018


Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.


The Brave Class

The Brave Class 2017


Three college students start a social experiment to prove that reality changes according to the words we use to describe it. Through research, activist actions, and artistic interventions, they analyze the importance of language in the way we understand the world. The documentary includes analysis from more than 20 international experts and leaders in the fields of political communication and information.


¡Votad, votad, malditos!

¡Votad, votad, malditos! 1977


On June 14, 1977, the eve of the first democratic elections after Franco's regime, Llorenç Soler and his crew go out into the street and ask passers-by which party they are going to vote for.


El autócrata

El autócrata 2023


Historical leaders of the PSOE, among them several former ministers, lambast the political legacy of Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government of Spain.



Sanctuary 2015


In the mid-1980s, the GAL, a Spanish paramilitary group, pursues and assassinates members of the terrorist gang ETA who have taken refuge in the sanctuary they have created in the south of France. Grégoire Fortin, advisor to the French Minister of Justice, and Domingo 'Txomin' Iturbe, leader of ETA, are forced to negotiate in order to find a solution to the violence that plagues the region.


Occupation Inc.

Occupation Inc. 2020


Occupation Inc. exposes European businessmen and politicians involved in the economic exploitation of Western Sahara, the last colony in Africa and one of the most militarized, violent, and censored territories in the world.



Gesto 2022


The history of the citizens' movement that for thirty years worked hard to overcome fear, fight hatred and eradicate the violence exercised by the savage terrorist gang ETA, both in the Basque Country and in the rest of Spain.


Made in Spain

Made in Spain 2016


An absent-minded traveler arrives at a Spanish beach where chaos is about to break out. (Followed by Mad in Xpain, 2020.)


Confidential Agent

Confidential Agent 1945


During the Spanish Civil War, an agent on a mission to purchase coal meets with murder and counterspies.