The Door in the Floor

The Door in the Floor 2004


The lives of Ted and Marion Cole are thrown into disarray when their two adolescent sons die in a car wreck. Marion withdraws from Ted and Ruth, the couple's daughter. Ted, a well-known writer, hires as his assistant a student named Eddie, who looks oddly similar to one of the Coles' dead sons. The couple separate, and Marion begins an affair with Eddie, while Ted has a dalliance with his neighbor Evelyn.


Beloved Infidel

Beloved Infidel 1959


Toward the end of his life F. Scott Fitzgerald is writing for Hollywood studios to be able to afford the cost of an asylum for his wife. He is also struggling against alcoholism. Into his life comes the famous gossip columnist.


Spring Bride

Spring Bride 1942


To impress friends and family, Cristina pretends to be the fiancée of best-selling author Pablo Reyes. When Reyes shows up in town, he good-naturedly agrees to keep up the pretense.


« Le Petit Prince », naissance d'une étoile

« Le Petit Prince », naissance d'une étoile 2023


Composed of archives and animated sequences, this documentary sheds light on the genesis of the masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) by retracing the last four years of his life, marked by war and his exile in the United States.


A Tenderfoot Goes West

A Tenderfoot Goes West 1936


Wellington Pike, author of 'Wild and Bloody Tales of the West', has never been away from the sedate and civilized East, so he takes a vacation to see the land he knows nothing about. Rancher Ann Keith and her cowhands, who have read and laughed at Pike's "wild" west, decide to give him a shock impression that is even wilder than depicted in his imaginative literary flights. Gang leader "Killer" Madden and his bandits decide to make the staged robberies real ones and Pike is arrested for the crimes Madden has pulled. Written by Les Adams for IMDb.



Afflict 2015


A stunning example of a chance meeting at a book signing, evolving into a set of events leading to murder - after murder - after murder! Kevin, a newly successful author, crosses path with a manipulative and seductive young woman, Summer, and her unsavory associates. A simple indiscretion quickly becomes a web of kidnapping, blackmail, and cold-blooded killings; the characters range from being naive to conniving, leading an audience wondering who the real victim is in this sordid one-night-stand.