Baggage Claim

Baggage Claim 2013


Determined to get engaged before her youngest sister's wedding, flight attendant Montana Moore finds herself with only 30 days to make a connection. Fortunately, her friends have cooked up a high-flying scheme to help Montana land...the perfect guy!


Sky Liner

Sky Liner 1949


Travellers board a flight, unaware that other passengers might be spies and counterspies, complete with secret documents, poison and elaborate plans to engage in international espionage!


The A350: Star of the Skies

The A350: Star of the Skies 2015


After 10 years of tests and 12 billion Euros invested, the state-of-the-art Airbus jet completed its first commercial flight in January 2015. We will discover how it was conceived and built, and explore its technological innovations every step of the way.


Airplanes & Airports

Airplanes & Airports 1994


Find out how planes work. See man's early attempts at flying, and the latest planes that do fly. Visit Planes of Fame Air Museum, a control tower, and tour small and large planes.