Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party 2016


In Hillary's America, bestselling author and influential filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary Clinton and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.



Criminal 1994


Simon Willerton's suicide in 1990 brought to six the number of young prisoners who hanged themselves in British prisons in just over six months, prompting public debate over conditions in remand prisons like Armley where overcrowding was so severe that no new inmates could be admitted. Simon faced a burglary charge over the theft of a hot-water bottle from an unoccupied flat. Less a hardened criminal than an immature, gawky teenager who never fitted in, Simon and his tragic death inspired this teleplay.


The Definition of Insanity

The Definition of Insanity 2020


The Miami-Dade Community Mental Health Project comes to life in this documentary, following a team of dedicated public servants working through the courts to steer people with mental illness on a path from incarceration to recovery.


Kolmas laukaus

Kolmas laukaus 1959


Inspector Susikoski is inspecting the murder of an agronom in the countryside, during his summer holiday trip. He participates to the investigation of the case. The case seems to be clear, but there is much more than meets the eye.


True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality

True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality 2019


An intimate portrait of Alabama public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, who for more than three decades has advocated on behalf of the poor, the incarcerated and the condemned, seeking to eradicate racial discrimination in the criminal justice system.


Juste Charity

Juste Charity 2023


Six years ago, Charity Jimohe left Nigeria for France. After ten months of forced prostitution to pay off a debt of 35,000 euros contracted with the traffickers who had brought her here, she walked through the door of a police station in Nantes to denounce the members of her prostitution ring.


Black Thoughts

Black Thoughts 2020


A man that is a stranger, is an incredibly easy man to hate. However, walking in a stranger’s shoes, even for a short while, can transform a perceived adversary into an ally. Power is found in coming to know our neighbor’s hearts. For in the darkness of ignorance, enemies are made and wars are waged, but in the light of understanding, family extends beyond blood lines and legacies of hatred crumble.


Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project

Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project 2020


Kim Kardashian West works to shine a light on stories of people she believes have paid their debt to society while also bringing awareness to America’s growing problem with mass incarceration.


When Justice Isn't Just

When Justice Isn't Just 2016


Directed by Oscar-nominated and NAACP Image Award winner David Massey, this dynamic documentary explores why so many unarmed black people have been targeted and killed by police officers. The filmmakers talk to legal experts, activists and law enforcement officials who discuss the inequality within our criminal justice system and who confront the crucial question of how to prevent more violence in this country, including Black on Black deaths. As the Black Lives Matter movement - and citizens nationwide - question the accountability of our justice system in cases of police violence, When Justice Isn't Just is an essential addition to the ongoing discussion about reform and renewal.


In Search of Bass Reeves

In Search of Bass Reeves 2024


By the end of his illustrious career, Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves may well have been the preeminent lawman of the Old West. He brought upwards of 3,000 outlaws to justice and served in law enforcement for 32 years during Reconstruction after the Civil War. His story is one of an escape to freedom and the dangers of the West for a former slave who rose to become a legend of the law. Join us as we go in search of Bass Reeves.



Ricochet 2021


When a young woman is shot by an undocumented immigrant on Pier 14 in San Francisco, the incident ignites a political and media furor that culminates in Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States. In the eye of this storm, two public defenders fight to reveal the truth.


Zweimal lebenslänglich

Zweimal lebenslänglich 2015


Franziska Dreyer and Sebastian Pauli are a happy couple. When one day the police arrest her boyfriend on suspicion of murder, Franziska assumes it's a mistake. But in a trial marked by circumstantial evidence, Sebastian is tried, convicted and sentenced to life. Franziska believes he's innocent and fights to get him released. This puzzles her parents and friends who advise her to cut all ties to him. Her reaction is to marry Sebastian in prison. Then Franziska discovers completely unknown sides to her husband and now doesn't know who or what to believe any more.


Los Angeles Plays New York

Los Angeles Plays New York 2016


In this engrossing and hilarious documentary, Wilson puts it all on the line to investigate the televised performances of justice and New York (the latter by Los Angeles, of course).


Guest House

Guest House 2018


Three women in a re-entry house experience the reality of reintegration and attempt to acclimate to life after being released from incarceration and battling addiction.


Pull of Gravity

Pull of Gravity 1970


North Philadelphia, PA – Kev, El and Andy are three men united by one struggle: they are trying to defy gravity. As part of the 700,000 prisoners released into society every year, they find themselves faced with a chilling outlook: 67% of ex-offenders re-offend within three years. What explains this invisible force that keeps former inmates in a seemingly unending cycle of incarceration? Filmed on the street over the course of two years, Pull of Gravity is an intimate portrait of these three men that confronts head-on the gritty details of lives cut short by poverty and drugs, where dealing is seen as the only route to economic prosperity, where using offers an escape from powerlessness, and where prison is too often the next stop. The film’s unfiltered lense captures its subjects as they lay bare their stories, fears, and tentative dreams.


The Call

The Call 2017


A courtroom in Milan is filled with people brought together by random selection. Long interviews lie ahead. Based on the interviews, some of them will be chosen for jury duty. However, The Call doesn’t focus on judicial proceedings, but rather considers people’s sense of justice through the conversations in the waiting room.


Trapped: Cash Bail In America

Trapped: Cash Bail In America 2020


Every year, millions of Americans are incarcerated before even being convicted of a crime - all because they can't afford to post bail. How did we get here? “Trapped: Cash Bail in America” shines a light on our deeply flawed criminal justice system and the activists working to reform it. This new documentary explores the growing movement to end the inherent economic and racial inequalities of cash bail while highlighting victims impacted by an unjust system, the tireless campaigners fighting for criminal justice reform, and a bail industry lobbying to maintain the status quo.


The Vanishing Trial

The Vanishing Trial 1970


“The Vanishing Trial” looks into “trial penalty,” the term used to describe the substantially longer prison sentence a person receives if they exercise their constitutional right to trial instead of plead guilty. The documentary focuses on four individuals who were forced to make that excruciating choice.



JAG 1995


Harmon "Harm" Rabb Jr. is a former pilot turned lawyer working for the military's JAG (Judge Advocate General) division, the elite legal wing of officers that prosecutes and defends those accused of military-related crimes. He works closely with Lt. Col. Sarah Mackenzie, and together they do what needs to be done to find the truth.


Making a Murderer

Making a Murderer 2015


Filmed over 10 years, this real-life thriller follows a DNA exoneree who, while exposing police corruption, becomes a suspect in a grisly new crime.


The Killing Vote

The Killing Vote 2023


People are busy watching the screen. The person wearing a mysterious mask so called 'Gaetal' appears, and the Killing Vote begins.


Ichikei's Crow

Ichikei's Crow 2021


Michio Iruma is a former lawyer. He now works as a judge in the first criminal court (commonly known as "Ichikei") of the Tokyo District Court. He is an unusual judge. To avoid issuing wrong judgements, Michio Iruma seeks out the truth in cases by performing on-site inspections by himself. Due to this, lawyers and prosecutors are afraid of him.


Flint Town

Flint Town 2018


Over a two-year period, filmmakers embedded with cops in Flint, Michigan, reveal a department grappling with volatile issues in untenable conditions.


Criminal Justice: Adhura Sach

Criminal Justice: Adhura Sach 2022


Madhav Mishra is back to fight his toughest case yet nothing is simple and straightforward. Will justice win?


Projet Innocence

Projet Innocence 2024


Stella, an intern with the Projet Innocence, is working on the case of a criminal who claims to be innocent of a murder he was convicted.


Solitary Nation

Solitary Nation 2016


‘Solitary Nation‘, hosted by Matt Duhamel includes topics about America's prison system, probation/parole, sex offender registration, the affects of incarceration on children and families, post prison success stories and more.



Resist 2020


The 12-episode documentary follows the grassroots work of multicultural/intersectional organizations fighting the Los Angeles county's $3.5 billion jail expansion plan in 2018 and examines the issues of cash bail, unlawful arrest, over-policing of Black and brown neighborhoods, and mass incarceration.