Hunter Killer

Hunter Killer 2018


Captain Glass of the USS Arkansas discovers that a coup d'état is taking place in Russia, so he and his crew join an elite group working on the ground to prevent a war.


Crimson Tide

Crimson Tide 1995


After the Cold War, a breakaway Russian republic with nuclear warheads becomes a possible worldwide threat. U.S. submarine Capt. Frank Ramsey signs on a relatively green but highly recommended Lt. Cmdr. Ron Hunter to the USS Alabama, which may be the only ship able to stop a possible Armageddon. When Ramsay insists that the Alabama must act aggressively, Hunter, fearing they will start rather than stop a disaster, leads a potential mutiny to stop him.


Efter Muren - mellan taggtråd och kaos

Efter Muren - mellan taggtråd och kaos 1990


On 3 October 1990 DDR stopped existing as a state and became the Federal Republic of Germany. The past had been overturned. The new had not yet taken shape. The rejoicing over the fall of the Berlin wall. The bitterness and shame when the doors opened to cabinet of horrors at Stasi. Uncertainty and worry about the future. Everyone's battle against everyone for survival. In the form of a travelogue, freelancing journalist Rainer Hartleb depicts all the mixed feelings that flow from the country that no longer exists.


Roberto Baggio

Roberto Baggio 2024


A filmmaker investigates his childhood memory of Brazil’s 1994 World Cup win, reflecting on capitalism and pop culture through a moody ’90s aesthetic.


Max Anger

Max Anger 2021


Max Anger is a former member of the Swedish military who finally found love with his Russian colleague Pashie. When Pashie suddenly goes missing in St Petersburg, Max sets off on a mission to find her but soon finds himself on a deadly hunt leading him to a terrifying discovery that could potentially change the entire world order.


Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men

Submarine: Steel Boats, Iron Men 1989


Everyday, American submariners go below the waves for months at a time on submarine patrols. Steel Boats – Iron Men is the only film where the US Navy allowed filmmakers to go down with them. The film presents a never before seen look inside a state of the art nuclear powered submarine on patrol. It shows, in extraordinary detail, the daily ordinary and extraordinary lives of submariners. You will see things in this film that you have never seen before. The filmmakers also spent time trying to understand the character and personality that allows someone to become a submariner. They looked at training, family life, background, etc. The viewer visits a " wet trainer" at Sub School to see what these submariners must endure before they ever climb inside one of these remarkable ships. Who are these men, who live confined in a steel tube deep in the ocean for months at a time, surrounded by a hostile environment, in constant danger? What do they do and why do they do it?