Adults in the Room

Adults in the Room 2019


A universal theme: a story of people trapped in an inhuman network of power. The brutal circle of the Eurogroup meetings, who impose on Greece the dictatorship of austerity, where humanity and compassion are utterly disregarded. A claustrophobic trap with no way out, exerting pressures on the protagonists which finally divide them.


Visions of Europe

Visions of Europe 2004


Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.


Nothing to Declare

Nothing to Declare 2010


During the elimination of the Belgian/French border in the 90s, a Belgian customs officer is forced to team up with one of his French counterparts.


What Is a Good Tax?

What Is a Good Tax? 2019


Too high, misused, unfair... a large part of the French and Europeans criticize taxes. From tax-rascal to tax revolt, the movement of yellow vests in France has returned to the center of attention the question of consent to tax. How to explain a different resistance to taxes from one country to another without tax pressure being an explanation? Is there a "good" tax? Jean Quatremer takes us on a journey to the tax center across Europe, to meet those who pay it, those who decide it, those who study it... or those who allow to avoid it.


A President, Europe and War

A President, Europe and War 2022


They call each other Emmanuel and Vladimir - but despite the informal tone, a fateful negotiation is taking place. During France's presidency of the EU, President Macron takes on the task of negotiating with President Putin in an attempt to prevent an invasion of Ukraine. For the first time, we get to follow the diplomatic game behind the scenes and hear parts of their phone conversations.


Belarus: An Ordinary Dictatorship

Belarus: An Ordinary Dictatorship 2018


It’s the last dictatorship of Europe, caught in a Soviet time-warp, where the secret police is still called the KGB and the president rules by fear. Disappearances, political assassinations, waves of repression and mass arrests are all regular occurances. But while half of Belarus moves closer to Russia, the other half is trying to resist…


Cheap Food

Cheap Food 2020


Industrial food production has provided the public with an abundance of food at very low prices. But with obesity and diabetes at record levels in Europe, there is clearly a problem with the food we eat. This documentary puts the spotlight on the agri-food industry and reveals how low-cost ultra-processed foods are really made.


Brexit: The Movie

Brexit: The Movie 2016


A feature-length documentary to show why Britain should vote to LEAVE the EU - and would thrive outside of it. Brexit: The Movie spells out the danger of staying part of the EU. Is it safe to give a remote government beyond our control the power to make laws? Is it safe to tie ourselves to countries which are close to financial ruin, drifting towards scary political extremism, and suffering long-term, self-inflicted economic decline?


The Magnitsky Act. Behind the Scenes

The Magnitsky Act. Behind the Scenes 2016


What started as a drama about a Russian police plot to steal a billion dollars from a US financier and to murder his faithful tax lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, has become a real life investigation of contradicting versions of the crime.


The District

The District 2004


In an effort to end family feuding, a young gypsy travels back in time to kill mammoths to ensure Hungary becomes rich by killing mammoths in order to create a massive oil reservoir. Things don't go entirely according to plan...


Hard Border

Hard Border 2018


Belfast-born actor Stephen Rea explores the impact of Brexit and the uncertainty of the future of the Irish border in a short film written by Clare Dwyer Hogg.


¡Sálvese quien Putin!

¡Sálvese quien Putin! 2023


The 'Europa' is an ocean liner that, governed by the leaders of the Union, sails aimlessly. The European leaders have hired the Vieja del Visillo with a secret mission: to seduce Carlos III to get England to become part of the Union again


Europe at Sea

Europe at Sea 2017


Exclusive access to chief diplomat of the EU Federica Mogherini as Europe faces a crumbling world order.


Secrets toxiques

Secrets toxiques 2023


Increase of chronic diseases, loss of biodiversity, extinction of bees... for a few years, the consequences of pesticides mass use are compelling public opinion. How to explain their effects on human health and biodiversity, whereas EU regulations forbid the spread of every harmful product ?


The Agreement

The Agreement 2013


'History is always made in the middle of the night. And when it happens, you are so damned tired, that you couldn't care less,' says Robert Cooper, an EU peace negotiator whose job it is to get Serbia and Kosovo to reach an agreement about peaceful coexistence. National pride and compromise are on everyone's lips, and much is at stake: Kosovo wants to come closer to independence, the Serbs have been promised EU membership if they can reach an agreement, and the EU tries to strengthen its credibility. But how far is each party willing to go? It is the unique characters that make this fascinating film about a delicate political game so vivid and loveable. The stoic, Serbian negotiator has a great passion for rock music, his colleague from Kosovo does not want to miss out on his daily visit to the hairdresser, and Cooper himself has a closet full of ties - one for every conceivable occasion.


The Shape

The Shape 2019


A storm is on the horizon. When a jet-black cloud engulfs a small village, the residents discover that it could put an end to more than just blue skies.


Crossing Lines

Crossing Lines 2013


Through globalization, many countries have been opened and barriers removed to ensure easy trade, travel and cultural diversity. However, this openness has given opportunities to criminals looking to exploit the system and ultimately threaten our global safety. As Europe has become a "safe house" for criminals eluding law enforcers, a special kind of law enforcement team is needed to handle specific ongoing crimes on a global level. "Crossing Lines" is the story of one such team, made up of five international cops, headed by Captain Daniel. The team - comprised of individuals who have little in common - must learn to live and work under the most dangerous and potentially deadly conditions. Housed in an unused storage section underneath the ICC, this mismatched team faces bureaucratic, jurisdictional and cultural obstacles while traversing continents in pursuit of justice.


In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis

In the Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis 2022


In the Eye of the Storm is a six-part documentary series about one of the foremost intellectuals and political figures of our age, Yanis Varoufakis. In the Eye of the Storm begins with a first-hand account of Varoufakis’ dramatic battle with the European establishment, but goes much further to weave a gripping political narrative about the fate of our civilization: where we are, how we got here, and where he believes we must go. We see up close, through Varoufakis’ unique story, how power works at the highest levels, entering a world so often shrouded in secrecy.



Parliament 2020


Samy, a young parliamentary assistant, arrives in Brussels after the Brexit referendum. He is not fit for the job. Samy doesn't know much about European institutions and he hopes to get away with it thanks to his cleverness…


The Poisoned Chalice

The Poisoned Chalice 1996


The inside story of the often lethal impact of Europe on postwar British politics, told by both conspirators and victims.


Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil

Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil 2019


For the first time on television, David Cameron’s top advisers - including George Osborne and William Hague - reveal the discussions that led to the decision for which Cameron will go down in history: to hold an in/out referendum. The programme lifts the lid on the prime minister’s desperate attempts to get a new deal for Britain in Europe. Top leaders, including presidents Tusk, Juncker, Sarkozy and Hollande, reveal the details of their negotiations with Cameron. From beers in Prague to dinners at Chequers, the prime minister tries to convince his partners to give him something to show Britain can claw back power from Brussels – especially on immigration – but he keeps getting knocked back.