
Slow 2023


Dancer Elena and sign language interpreter Dovydas meet and form a beautiful bond. As they dive into a new relationship, they must navigate how to build their own kind of intimacy.


How to win her back in 7 days

How to win her back in 7 days 2017


A stand-up comedian is dumped by his girlfriend, when he decides, that he must win her back at all costs.


The Girl and the Echo

The Girl and the Echo 1964


The movie, based on a story by Yuri Nagibin, depicts a young girl named Vika enjoying the last days of summer vacations in a sea resort somewhere in the south.


Adam Wants to Be a Man

Adam Wants to Be a Man 1960


In a pre-WWII Lithuanian town, occupied with unemployed workers and crooks of various kinds, lives Adam, a naive young man with no job and a lot of dreams. His closest friend is the Captain, an old sea wolf with many tales to tell about Singapore, Hawaii and other equally exotic and sunny places. Inspired by his stories, Adam manages to get a job in an emigration bureau and starts saving for his ticket to leave abroad.


Own, Stranger, Beloved

Own, Stranger, Beloved 2022


Ugne, a mother of two, who is abandoned by her husband Ignas after 15 years of living together. Ignas is about to marry the architect who designed their home, while Ugne is drowning in sadness and self-doubt.


Fake Millionaire

Fake Millionaire 2019


Fake life bursts like a bubble when Donatas receives a phone call from his rich and powerful father.


Women Lie Better. Kristina

Women Lie Better. Kristina 2013


The life of beautiful, irrepressible Christina starts falling apart when she learns that her husband Paulius has some unfinished business with dangerous men, stolen money and other women.


Lobis. Unknown Trasures

Lobis. Unknown Trasures 2022


Austeja's parents get a job opportunity they do not want to say no to, and send their daughter to the country with the grandparents together with another child, Martynas. The children are bored at first, but they quickly discover that their stay in the country is anything but boring.


Class Reunion. The Boys Are Back!

Class Reunion. The Boys Are Back! 2017


The boys are back. Comedy team of 4 beloved actors of improvisation theater KITAS KAMPAS are returning to a new film. This time they are going to class reunion.


Women lie better. Robertelis

Women lie better. Robertelis 2018


Robertas sees a drunk, cute woman standing too close to upcoming bus and pulls her back. Robertas develops a deep sense of responsibility for her which enables him to tolerate the girl's abuses.


Wonderful Losers: A Different World

Wonderful Losers: A Different World 2017


They're called water carriers, domestics, 'gregarios', 'Sancho Panzas' of professional cycling. Always at the back of the group, with no right for a personal victory. These wonderful losers are the true warriors of professional cycling.


Feature Film About Life

Feature Film About Life 2021


It is highly probable that before their own death, everyone has to organise someone else’s funeral. This is by far not an easy task. In addition to the searing grief, dying also brings a number of tasks that are at once utterly alien and intensely time-critical. The main character of this film, Dovile, who unexpectedly has to bury her father, has to face the bedlam of exactly such a challenge. Overnight, the young girl has to become a skilful organiser of a family event, while also being a specialist on coffins, urns, wreaths and funeral feasts. Dovile’s journey towards organising a perfect funeral is inevitably full of hardship and mishaps, accompanied mainly by black humour and comical situations.


Peace to Us in Our Dreams

Peace to Us in Our Dreams 2015


On a summer day, a man, his daughter and his companion arrive at their country house to spend the weekend. The daughter has just moved in with her father, whose attention she desires. The man is tired of his life, and does not know where to find the strength to carry on living. The woman, a violinist, is confused in her priorities - music, love or career. Despite the fact that the man and the woman love each other, their tense relationship is on the brink of collapse.


Nobody Wanted to Die

Nobody Wanted to Die 1965


The film is set in Lithuania after the Second World War. It shows dramatic events in a small Lithuanian farming community, where people are split between the Soviets and the "brothers in the woods", who are fighting to defend their land from the Soviets after the end of the Second World War.


The Generation of Evil

The Generation of Evil 2022


On the verge of retirement, Commissioner Gintas must undertake the investigation of a series of heinous murders, a dangerous task that could expose the many dirty secrets of several prominent members of the social elite of a small Lithuanian town.


Man for Money

Man for Money 2021


When a tenacious tax inspector takes on another of her investigations, the success of which can guarantee a managerial post, a charming suspect on the road shuffles all the cards and recalls true values.


Moterys meluoja geriau

Moterys meluoja geriau 2008


Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.


Gang Wars

Gang Wars 2020


The beginning of the 90's. Lithuania just became independent, so there is a lot of chaos in political, ecnomical and criminal structures. The every day life more or less is being controlled by the criminal gangs, who feel indestructible by the fear of citizens and the helplessness of government.


Bruto ir Neto

Bruto ir Neto 2015


Pasirodo, prieš trisdešimt metų, likimas Praną buvo nubloškęs net į Tolimuosius Rytus. Sunkiai sužeistą jį išgelbėjo vietinis turtuolis, kurio dukra įsimylį jauną ir žavingą svetimšalį. Kas nutiko jų meilės istorijai? Neto, nepasitaręs su Bruto, nusprendžia įstoti į universitetą ir tapti pradinukų mokytoju. Tačiau šiam kilniam tikslui sutrukdo netikėta žinia: pasak medikų, Neto serga nepagydoma liga. Kaip šią žinią priims Neto ir kokių veiksmų imsis jo bičiulis Bruto? Pranas nieko negaili savo augintiniui – paršeliui Raimundėliui: net valgyti kasdien pats ruošia! Tiesą sakant, jam šis augintinis daug mielesnis už jo žmoną. Tačiau ilgai šiuo abipusiu ryšiu Pranui netenka džiaugtis: netikėta pažintis su jaunaisiais hispteriais baigiasi Prano automobilio ir paršelio vagyste. Kaip hipsteriams ketina atkeršyti Pranas?


The Cost of Freedom. Volunteers

The Cost of Freedom. Volunteers 2016


TV series tells about 1918 February 16 Signing of the Lithuanian Independence Act and other historical events that followed this important event in Lithuania until the occupation of Lithuania in 1940.


Rimti Reikalai

Rimti Reikalai 2018


An abundance of stories, an energetic storytelling style and an ironic approach to situations - this is the new LNK series "Rimti Reikalai". Released after five years in prison, the criminal Hard finds himself at the epicenter of bloody events. The criminal gang to which he belonged breaks up, and a fierce battle begins for the chair of the mafia boss.


Laisvės kaina. Partizanai

Laisvės kaina. Partizanai 2017


The series tells about the three occupations and mass exterminations that took place in the middle of the last century, the Holocaust, the terror, the attempt to physically and spiritually crush Lithuania.