The Legend of Tomiris

The Legend of Tomiris 2019


This is the story of the life of the great queen of the steppe - legendary Tomiris. She is destined to become a skillful warrior, survive the loss of close people and unite the Scythian/Saka tribes under her authority.



Tulpan 2009


Asa, a young and cheerful dreamer, returns from his Russian naval service to his sister’s nomadic family on the desolate Hunger Steppe of central Asia, so that he can begin his own life as a shepherd. But before he can tend a flock of his own, Asa must first win the hand of the only eligible girl for miles—his mysterious neighbor, Tulpan.


A Dark, Dark Man

A Dark, Dark Man 2019


A boy is murdered in Kazakh village. Detective Bekzat wants to wrap up the inquiries quickly: after all, the perpetrator has already been found by local police officers. But when a journalist arrives from the city, everything falls to pieces. For the first time in his career, Bekzat must conduct a real investigation according to procedure.


Harmony Lessons

Harmony Lessons 2013


During a medical examination, 13-year-old Aslan is humiliated in front of a load of his fellow pupils. The incident unleashes his latent personality disorder. Plagued by self-doubt, he strives for cleanliness and perfection and is obsessed with trying to control everything around him. His compulsion draws Aslan, who lives with his grandmother in a village in Kazakhstan, into increasingly difficult situations. He abhors the way most of his fellow pupils are held in the sway of a criminal scheme, in which Bolat, one of Aslan’s tormentors, is also involved. Bolat blackmails the younger children into paying him protection money; he has nothing but contempt for ostracised Aslan.


The Assault

The Assault 2022


Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.



Racketeer 2007


Story of a man named Sayan, that had to live through harsh 1990s and make tough decisions.


Yellow Cat

Yellow Cat 2020


Ex-con Kermek and his beloved Eva want to leave their crime-infested lives on the Kazakh steppes behind. He has a dream: building a movie theater in the mountains. Will Kermek's love of Alain Delon be strong enough to keep them out of the violent clutches of the mafia?


Kazakh Khanate: Diamond Sword

Kazakh Khanate: Diamond Sword 2017


Set in the 15th century, the story follows the formation of the Kazakh state after the death of Genghis Khan and the usurpation of power by one of Khan's descendants, leading the sultans Kerei and Janibek to resort to some nomadic tribes to remove the usurper, hoping for a better life and freedom.


The Gentle Indifference of the World

The Gentle Indifference of the World 2018


After her father's untimely death, Saltanat is forced to trade her idyllic countryside life for the cruel city. She has to find money to pay off the large family debt that her father left behind, in order to save her mother from jail. Friends since their village childhood, her loyal, but penniless admirer Kuandyk follows her just to make sure his sweetheart is safe. Saltanat's uncle introduces her to a possible groom, who promises to pay off her family's debts. But Saltanat's hopes are dashed, when she discovers that the men in this city don't keep their word. When Kuandyk tries to help Saltanat get the money through other ways, he ends up finding himself in more trouble than he bargained for. Although life keeps dealing them bad hands, Saltanat and Kuandyk never give up, no matter what the odds.


Myn Bala: Warriors of the Steppe

Myn Bala: Warriors of the Steppe 2012


A universal story about the freedom of the human spirit and the struggle against slavery and despotism, about love, loss and betrayal. It is seen through the eyes of simple Kazakh kids and teenagers.



Oliara 2023


The 30s of the last century. Hungarian Istvan Magyar, a member of the International Communist International, is sentenced to death by firing squad. However, he is being sent from Moscow to the Kazakh steppe to atone for his "political guilt." He gets into the operational detachment of the OGPU of Karabai, which is engaged in the search and confiscation of Kulak cattle. The photographer of the Red Army detachment, Istvan Magyar, on a campaign across the winter steppe for the cattle of the poor, changes his views on the revolution. From the position of a European and a humanist, Istvan is stunned by the Holodomor and the brutality of the OGPU fighters. A Hungarian communist rebels and finds like-minded locals in Kubabas village. Together they are trying to fight the red tyranny.


The Crying Steppe

The Crying Steppe 2020


In the 1920-30s, 70% of the indigenous population died from the Great Famine created by the Bolsheviks in Kazakhstan. Overcoming the dreadful fear of death and despair, an eagle hunter's family from a Kazakh village in the highlands is trying to stay alive in the midst of the fierce winter and face a moral choice, to die as human beings or to survive at any cost, transgressing the human decency.



Roots 2024


Left without parents, having gone through hardships and hardships, Kasym ends up in a boarding school, where he learns true friendship and becomes a marksman. Growing up, he falls in love, goes through exploits and betrayal during the Great Patriotic War. A "thread" from the past helps him to keep a person in himself, which connects him with the roots of the family and the values of his ancestors.



Businessmen 2018


Events in the "Businessmen" unfold in the era of the 90's, when the country is experiencing an economic crisis. Heroes of the film are among the first who stood at the origins of market relations in Kazakhstan.



Bodyguard 2023


Former military Askar loses his wife and daughter. In order to somehow distract himself from the tragic events, he agrees to work as a bodyguard for the daughter of a successful businessman. However, over time, Askar's service becomes more and more dangerous: a hunt begins for the girl, and only the bodyguard can save her.



Steppenwolf 2024


Tamara is searching for her missing son in a small town consumed by riots and violence. In a desperate attempt to get him back, she decides to offer a reward to an amoral former investigator whose methods prove to be sadistic. Determined, Tamara decides to complete the mission with the nihilistic detective, no matter what the cost.


Seven Days in May

Seven Days in May 2011


A film version of the famous Mukhlisov gang case. In May 2001, an audacious robbery of a collection car of one of the commercial banks of Almaty took place. During this attack, which took place 50 meters from the American embassy in Almaty, several people were killed. The attackers managed to seize the sum of 700 thousand dollars, after which they carried out a number of raids on exchange offices and organizations of the southern capital. The crime was solved fairly quickly, but it remained for a long time, both in the memory of citizens and law enforcement officers.


The Constructors

The Constructors 2013


Two brothers and their little sister are thrown out of their flat because they haven't paid the rent. The orphans pack up their few possessions and go out to the country, where the family owns a small plot of land. The children set up camp, knowing they have to fend for themselves. But this solution is insecure, too: they are told, in no uncertain terms, that all plots will shortly pass to the state unless at least the foundations of a house have been laid. The threesome get down to work, making night-time visits to neighboring sites to 'borrow' tools and materials, then building by day. But no sooner are the foundation walls complete than an unsympathetic policeman ad...



Sunflower 2021


Teenager Amir hides from reality in his virtual world. Unlike problems at home and at school, everything is simple and clear in the game. However, conflicts are accumulating, including due to attachment to such a digital escape.



Crossroad 1996


A family saga about ordinary residents of Alma-Ata in a difficult period of the 90s. Family stories echo the history of the country. The modest life of yesterday's state employees and luxury apartments of new Russians and Kazakhs. How to get used to a new life without losing humanity?


Tractor Driver's Love

Tractor Driver's Love 2013


A random love story between a successful girl Bella and a simple tractor driver Zhasulan. Their roads would never have connected if it hadn't been for a car accident. On the Almaty-Astana highway, hurrying to the wedding, Bella gets into an accident, where Zhasulan, who was passing by, saves her.


Gentlemen Officers

Gentlemen Officers 2004


Three friends, Sergey Fedotov, Nurali Aslanbekov and Andrey Khomenko, Russian, Kazakh and Ukrainian, served and fought together in Afghanistan. After being injured in the hospital, all three of them took care of the same girl. Fate has divorced friends.


A Dark Yard

A Dark Yard 2023


The series is based on a real story about teenagers of the 00s. 16-year-old boys from a criminal "dark yard", under an impression of popular gangster TV series, dream of becoming cool gangsters. To do this, the four friends decide to go on a "big" case, after which their life turns into unsuccessful attempts to escape from the consequences and bring everything back.


Kara Shanyrak

Kara Shanyrak 2014


In the center of the plot of the painting "Kara Shakyrak" is the fate of three brothers, each of whom chose his own life path. Senior Alisher - became a successful top manager, businessman. But his personal life cannot get on track in any way, which brings him a lot of problems. Daulet is the middle brother, a former athlete, now works as a coach. Meeting with a young singer Linda makes him look at life in a different way and understand that you can't stop there, you always need to move forward. Well, Madi's youngest brother, staying with his parents, became the manager of his father's farm. He passionately wants to free himself from the full control of his father and become the rightful master of his life. Each of them has their own families, respectively, and problems to be solved over the course of a hundred episodes.


Cinderella Zaure

Cinderella Zaure 2016


After the death of his mother, Zaure learns about the existence of his father. In search of him, she comes from her native village to the city, where many trials await her, including the well-known confrontation with her stepmother.


Astana - My Love

Astana - My Love 2010


Many years ago, on board a plane flying through the airspace of Kazakhstan, the wife of an influential Turkish oligarch gave birth to a girl. And the Kazakh doctor who delivered the baby had a one-year-old son. In a fit of feelings, the mothers decided to marry their children in the future… 25 years pass, and young people meet in Astana, where the business interests of Kazakh and Turkish builders intersect.



Brothers 2009


The film tells about three siblings who were born and grew up in the village. The father and mother of the heroes are simple villagers who love their sons. The film tells about their life path since 1996: the eldest of the brothers – Chingiz, who after graduation leaves for Almaty to do business, the middle – Kuanysh, a promising fighter who accidentally embarked on a criminal path and the youngest – Bakhyt, who after serving in the army wants to be around with parents and engage in agriculture.


Live Broadcast

Live Broadcast 2012


The main character is a modest, kind and a little strange girl Aisulu. Strange, because she had a fairly modest experience of communicating with people. Her parents are journalists and therefore constantly on business trips. The Grandmother, with whom Aisulu lives now, was engaged in the upbringing of the girl in their absence. Immediately after graduating from the university, Aisulu goes to get a job on a TV channel. After getting a job, but not as a journalist, as she dreamed, but as an assistant director, Aisulu faces reality and realizes that she knows nothing about TV production.


Love is Always in My Heart

Love is Always in My Heart 2014


The main character of the series is a successful son of rich parents. He graduated from a university in England and intends to open his own business in the near future. His chosen one was a simpleton from a poor family. The girl is not accustomed to luxury and has already managed to face betrayal in personal relationships. Will two completely different people be able to be together?..


Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly 2013


The story of the true path of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly from the time when he met General Panfilov, and when he was appointed head of the battalion.


My Darling

My Darling 2010


The series tells about how difficult it is for villagers to get used to city life. And about how difficult it is sometimes for city residents to understand their aul relatives.


Loving Heart

Loving Heart 2012


The action of the series revolves around a talented girl from an orphanage, who after watching the movie "Cocktail for a Star" realizes that she wants to become a star. Throughout the tape, the viewer will see the whole story of her difficult life, how she grew up, overcoming difficulties and encountering evil people, while always remaining kind and sincere with a loving heart.



Girlfriends 2012


The series is based on the relationship of the five main characters — Zamira, Ainura, Madina, Nastya and Karina. The life of each of them develops differently, but they are united by the fact that they are friends, which means that in the rapid flow of days they will come to each other's aid, support each other in a difficult moment, despite the popular opinion that there is no female friendship.



Bolashak 2011


A young surgeon named Nurzhan, who graduated with honors from a medical institute in Moscow. The parents of the newly-minted specialist are also doctors. Upon returning home to Almaty, he has the opportunity to get a job at prestigious clinics in the city. However, Nurzhan decides to work in the village.



5:32 2021


Shalkar, a former Major Crimes investigator, has long been retired and is trying to forget himself with alcohol. Shalkar's routine is disrupted by a police officer who asks for help with the investigation. A maniac has appeared in the city, whose M.O. is similar to the killer Shalkar caught in the 1990s.



Bachelor 2014


A 43-year-old bachelor who was psychologically traumatized in his youth, whose bride was taken away from under the crown. After this incident, the main character swore that he would never marry, and decided to devote himself entirely to work. But later everything changes. Over the course of ten episodes, Kadyrbek will face many adventures: with strange brides, harmful bosses, intrigues of colleagues.


Against All Odds

Against All Odds 2013


In the center of the plot is the story of a young girl Camilla, forced to flee from the persecution of a local criminal authority from her native village to the city, where she will have to build her own life and romantic relationships with a young man Murat from an intelligent family.



Vuzery 2013


"VUZery" is the most popular comedy series in the history of Kazakh television. These are the adventures of students who came to the metropolis from different parts of the country. The good-natured fat man Baha, the cunning Southerner Tolik, a couple of local hooligans - Gaba and Ham, the handsome Zhandos – a full set of characters, everything is like in life.