A Woman Heats the Sauna

A Woman Heats the Sauna 1979


The story is about a woman, who has to heat up the company's sauna, because the bosses want to entertain foreign visitors. The sauna is situated in a small village where her ex-husband is from, and an old aunt of his is still living. In addition to having to face her bosses she also has to face her past.


Pilot Pirx's Inquest

Pilot Pirx's Inquest 1979


Pirx, an experienced pilot, is hired to go on a top-secret mission to evaluate some 'nonlinears' (an experimental model of android) for use as crewmembers on future space flights. Pirx and this intriguing crew are sent out to launch two satellites into the rings of Saturn, but he is determined to find out and identify a hostile unhuman coworker among them.


Forest Captain

Forest Captain 1972


Sailing to South America, the sailing ship "Fortuna" gets stuck in a calm in the middle of the Atlantic. Heat and thirst drive the team crazy, knives are already flashing and the wind is being conjured in the darkness of the night. Captain Kihnu Jõnn has to tame desperate men and trade with heavenly forces in order to bring the ship's crew to the destination port, who want to leave him there.


Letters from the Island of the Insane

Letters from the Island of the Insane 1966


Martin Puri is an elderly fisherman who is told to retire because of his old age. When a group of people has to be saved from a boat in an autumn storm, Martin understands that one cannot act against the sea but together with it.


Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 1976


In 1921, the Cheka became aware that gold and jewelry were stolen from the treasury of Gokhran, and that a special organization was involved in transporting the stolen to Estonia. Scout Maksim Isayev is sent to this country. He establishes that the cipher of the Soviet embassy Olenetskaya works for the German resident Nolmar, with whom employees of Gokhran Kozlovskaya and an appraiser Yakov Shelekhes are associated. As a result of the provocation, Isayev was arrested. In the prison cell, he finds himself together with the famous Russian writer Nikandrov, who could not find himself in post-revolutionary Russia and went abroad. Released soon by the efforts of his comrades, Isayev continues the struggle for the fate of Nikandrov — for his return to his homeland.


Dead Mountaineer's Hotel

Dead Mountaineer's Hotel 1979


The police get a call-out to a lonely hotel in the Alps. When an officer gets to the hotel everything seems to be alright. Suddenly, an avalanche cuts them off from the rest of the world and strange things start happening.


The New Devil of Hellsbottom

The New Devil of Hellsbottom 1964


The way Saint Peter explains it to the Devil who's knocking on Heaven's door to collect his share of souls: there will be no more souls, as God has come to doubt if humans are really meant to achieve salvation. If they aren't then how can they be punished posthumous and sent to Hell? There's only one way to make sure if sinning is the human nature, or is it that they simply don't want to better themselves - Devil himself must go down to Earth, in human form, and if he can achieve salvation then so can a human being... Based on A. H. Tammsaare's classic novel of the same name.


In One Hundred Years in May

In One Hundred Years in May 1986


Viktor Kingissepp has been the underground head of the Communist Party of Estonia for three years. He corresponds with Moscow, writes speeches for the members of the Communist Workers' Party and makes leaflets for the events of trade union. His purpose is to overthrow the Republic of Estonia since he does not believe in Estonian independence nor in any national ideals. Yet the clock keeps ticking, tuberculosis spreads rapidly, the world revolution is being postponed. What to do in order to make one's efforts work?


Гибель 31 отдела

Гибель 31 отдела 1981


Police officer Jensen orders the evacuation of a leading media group's office building after a bomb threat is made. There won't be any explosion, however, the media group sustains big losses because of the work stoppage and the management requires investigation of the case. Officer Jensen identifies six suspects, then finds out that he is being followed himself, especially when he gets involved in the obscure activities of the mysterious 31st department.


Under the Same Roof

Under the Same Roof 1963


Mari has successfully led a collective farm in 1950s and fulfilled all tasks given from the authorities. Nonetheless, things in the collective farm become progressively worse. The Committee of the Communist Party sends its representative Peeter who learns that Mari acts as a tyrant for the local people. She has to resign during the elections of the new manager. Being without authority has a damaging effect on her so she starts to regain her position with the help of her old stalinist tricks.



Spring 1970


Paunvere parish school students Arno and Teele, Toots and Kiir, Tõnisson and Imelik experience feelings during one school winter, the traces of which they carry throughout their future lives - from true friendship and first love to self-discovery and clarifying life goals.


Don Juan in Tallinn

Don Juan in Tallinn 1972


Don Juan arrives in Tallinn and soon the gossip spreads like wildfire. The local women trip over themselves to be seduced by him; the men race to defend their honor by challenging him to a duel. What no one knows is that Don Juan is a woman in disguise.


The Curse of Snake Valley

The Curse of Snake Valley 1988


The trio of adventurous pals, a man who is a scientist, a fine lady and a former military pilot are in the Tibetian jungles looking for some mysterious vase that holds a metal container that is of no mundane origin.



Summer 1976


In the beginning of the 20th century, Joosep Toots has returned from Russia, where he learned agriculture. He wants to start reforming his father's farm, Ülesoo. At the same time, he's competing with Kiir to win the love of Teele. Teele has stated that she agrees to marry with a farmer only. So Kiir decides to go to Russia to learn agriculture too.


Jaak and the Robot

Jaak and the Robot 1965


Estonian/Soviet animation short. Jaak makes a robot that can do all the homework. Eventually, Jaak becomes so lazy that he sends the robot to school instead of himself. Then the robot gets very angry and punishes Jaak.



Autumn 1990


The main character of the film is Paunvere tailor Jorh Adniel Kiir. Two young seamstresses, Juuli and Maali, arrive in Paunvere. At first, Kiir regards them as competitors, but then he establishes friendly relations with them. Kiir marries Juuli, but he is not indifferent to Maali either. The film also follows Kiir's efforts to get his own farm.


The Boy and the Butterfly

The Boy and the Butterfly 1978


A film about a boy who loves flowers and butterflies, based on a short story by Anton Hansen Tammsaar. In his thoughtless pursuit of the butterfly, he shatters all the flowers in his path.


The Last Relic

The Last Relic 1970


A medieval love story with lots of adventures. The times are troubled - there's a revolt of peasants going on. To secure its safety a monastery chases for a relics of a holy Brigitte. A nobleman promises to get it if he gets beautiful Agnes as a reward. But she fells in love with a handsome adventurer. The monastery has to act shrewd now and play double game. The movie is still the best achievement of the Estonian cinema. Based on a novel.


The Adventurer

The Adventurer 1983


Toomas Nipernaadi is seen roaming the rural landscape, going from village to village looking for the woman of his dreams. He wears a bedraggled white suit but generously pays for any lodging he needs or in one case, even buys a farm. Nipernaadi has a way with words and enchants those he meets with his wild stories about himself. Women find him appealing and the men are entertained as he moves from one locale to the next.