Mean Johnny Barrows

Mean Johnny Barrows 1975


A Vietnam veteran gets caught in a mob war with a couple of double-crossers.



Mindwalk 1990


On the French island of Mont Saint-Michel, Sonia meets Jack and Tom. Sonia is a Norwegian physicist who abandoned a lucrative career after discovering that elements of her work were being applied to weapons development. Jack is an American politician attempting to make sense of his recent defeat as a presidential candidate. Tom is a poet, disillusioned former political speechwriter, and Jack's close friend. As they wander the picturesque medieval abbey, the trio engage in a wide-ranging conversation on political and social problems, exchanging their varied perspectives rooted in their different intellectual backgrounds.


Convoy Busters

Convoy Busters 1978


In Rome, a vagrant finds the body of a teen girl, her throat professional slashed. Police inspector Olmi uses his brutal and violent methods to follow a trail that leads him toward high government officials. When his methods leave an innocent bystander dead, the corrupt officials have an excuse to get Olmi transferred to a coastal town where the pace is slow and he has time for a romantic dalliance. Soon, Olmi discovers that fishing isn't the only local occupation, and out comes his gun and his ruthless tactics of investigation.


Mark of the Devil Part II

Mark of the Devil Part II 1973


A tribunal interrogates, tortures and murders "witches" and "heretics" during the Inquisition.