Gros chat

Gros chat 2022


Siméon Malec, host on Pakueshikan FM radio, receives Marie-Soleil Bellefleur on the air to discuss new regulations concerning salmon nets. To their great dismay, the duo is constantly interrupted by increasingly worrying calls... It seems that a lion has been seen in the community!


She and I

She and I 2008


This short film is inspired by a stormy same-sex relationship in the Manawan community of the Atikamekw Nation, which led to a suicide. Since 2004, Wapikoni Mobile has been giving Indigenous youth the opportunity to speak out using video and music. This short film was made with the guidance of the traveling Wapikoni Mobile studios and is part of the 2007 Selection—Wapikoni Mobile DVD.


La ravissante

La ravissante 2023


In the form of a poetic love letter to its nation, this short film reveals a strong community and the anchoring of the new generation in this rich culture.



Iskwew-ishkueu 2021


A young woman talks about her journey, which took her from her original community to an urban environment. After experiencing a culture shock in the city, this is where she wants to live from now on. Iskwew-ishkueu: a gentle film born from a strength of resilience.



Lullaby 2021


A documentary essay on coming of age and the power of the unconscious. In the same vein as Sweatlodge Song, this is a message of courage and hope.