Who's Singin' Over There?

Who's Singin' Over There? 1980


On April 5th, 1941, a day before the Nazi attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, a colorful group of passengers is headed for Belgrade...


When Father Was Away on Business

When Father Was Away on Business 1985


Tito's break-up with Stalin in 1948 marked the beginning of not only confusing, but also very dangerous years for many hard-core Yugoslav communists. A careless remark about the newspaper cartoon is enough for Mesha to join many arrested unfortunates. His family is now forced to cope with the situation and wait for his release from prison.


The Elusive Summer of '68

The Elusive Summer of '68 1984


For the young man who lives in Serbian province town, the maturing coincides with the turbulent political events of the year 1968.


The Marathon Family

The Marathon Family 1982


The Topalović family has been in the burial business for generations. When the 150-year-old Pantelija dies, five generations of his heirs start to fight for the inheritance.


Strangler vs Strangler

Strangler vs Strangler 1984


When it comes to crime, Belgrade is same as any other modern metropolis, except for having its own serial killers. That blank is filled when a flower salesman begins strangling women. A popular, but very disturbed rock star soon becomes telepathically connected with the killer.


Taiwan Canasta

Taiwan Canasta 1985


A frustrated and unemployed architect experiences flashbacks of his youth and 1968 protests while the life passes by. Unable to adapt and to accept the reality, he’s constantly getting into conflicts with the people around him.


Hey Babu Riba

Hey Babu Riba 1985


In 1985, four middle-aged Yugoslav emigres return to Belgrade for the funeral of Mariana, their beautiful compatriot. They called her Esther, for Esther Williams, she was the coxswain for their four-man rowing team, and they each loved her. They'd last seen her in 1953, when they rowed her across the Adriatic, pregnant, to join her exiled father in Italy. In flashbacks we learn the story of their youthful baptism into sex, smoking, rock and roll (Hey Ba-ba-re-bop), Hollywood and Swedish films, blue jeans on the black market, and their rivalry with Ristic, the Communist Party youth leader for whom they had instant antipathy.


Meeting Place

Meeting Place 1989


During the excavation of ancient Roman ruins, an old archaeology professor accidentally opens the gate between our world and the world of the dead.


Special Education

Special Education 1977


Educator and those educated in a home for juvenile delinquents in the same test: approach, take a peek into his soul to become a man. The story of a minor, neglected boys-offenders and their teachers who try to reject the old methods of rehabilitation.


Battle of Kosovo

Battle of Kosovo 1989


In 1389, the Serbian prince Lazar Hrebeljanović refused to submit to the Turkish Sultan Murat, who was invading Serbia with a large army, in order to continue conquering Europe through it.


The Beauty of Vice

The Beauty of Vice 1986


In the mountains of Montenegro people have lived by strict and Draconian laws for centuries, almost untouched by modern civilization. However, a young couple are going to seek their fortune on the more liberal coast and there they find jobs in the nudist colony. Hundreds of naked bodies and atmosphere of joie d'vivre make the husband and wife question their rigid way of life.


Regular Trains Station

Regular Trains Station 1990


In the fifties, a young Belgrade teacher girl, after finishing her school, and by the Ministry of education order, arrives to a remote town to educate people. Unready and inexperienced, she fails in building a bridge between herself and the environment where she was brought against her will, and conflicts start. The conflict with others soon causes the conflict with herself, which causes the tragedy...


The Battle of the Eagles

The Battle of the Eagles 1979


The first Yugoslav Partisan air force unit. Loosely based on historical facts.


Boško Buha

Boško Buha 1978


The movie is based on the true story about a group of children, barely teenagers, who joined Yugoslav Partizans after losing their families in WW2. At first, Partizans want to get rid of them, but later they are joining combat ranks. Among them, Bosko Buha would become a legend because of his skill in destroying enemy bunkers.


The Beach Guard in Winter

The Beach Guard in Winter 1976


Grown up in an atmosphere of failed marriage of his parents, a young man wants to go his way throughout life. School he finished doesn't give him the opportunity to find a job, so he accepts the position of a beach guard in winter period.


Three for Happiness

Three for Happiness 1985


A pretty factory girl falls for an ex con. He's still in love with his ex wife. Love triangle soon becomes even larger.


Kreka: Dreamcatcher

Kreka: Dreamcatcher 2021


The career of the famous production designer Miljen Kljaković – Kreka and reveals all the beauty and importance of film scenography.


Something in Between

Something in Between 1983


An American woman comes to Belgrade to visit an old friend. There, on the exotic boundary between West and East, she becomes entangled in a love triangle.


Some Other Woman

Some Other Woman 1981


The murder of a famous gynecologist occurred under unusual circumstances. Inspectors found the doctor's apartment door open.



Sunflowers 1988


A lonely old man neglected by his family stumbles upon a teenage girl who thinks he may need help. A warm friendship they develop makes his last days the best he ever had.